Check with Wise Counsel

Proverbs 11:14

Where there is no guidance the people fall,
But in abundance of counselors there is victory.


You can avoid the costs of couple's therapy with this one habit.

What do you believe your therapist brings to your relationship?


You assume they know something you don't. Hopefully they do.

But before you take that route, consider building a habit of cultivating multiple wise counsel before you need it.

Here's how:

  1. Individually, reflect on whom you consider wise
  2. Together, share who they are
  3. Discuss: what types of wise people do you want in your life for your marriage?
  4. Plan: how and when will you reach out?

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why develop your marriage's wise counsel now

Wisdom grows with time.

When it comes to your marriage, wisdom grows in relationship.

For this habit, together agree to schedule time with a wise counselor to hang out and talk about what's going on in your marriage.

This is not a social visit. It can be social, but it should be intention.

You're discerning and seeking wise counsel.

There are a couple of ways to do this.

You could choose to proactively spend time with a therapist on a regular basis.

Or you can start to cultivate friends, older relatives, perhaps the marriage pastors are your church.

Or to be part of a marriage small group where you have shared content, wisdom, and perspective together.

Here's the litmus test: your marriage hits crisis. Whom do you be call?

Can this person or couple speak tough truth to one or both of you? Does this person have the history to identify patterns?

Spend this 15-minutes or more ensuring you both have a wise counselor and you have a regular cadence.


  1. Pray for the source of Wisdom from God, which comes from a fear of God
  2. Pray and listen for whom you should consider your wise counselors.
  3. After praying share who they may be (if you haven't discussed them already)
  4. Pray and covenant that whomever you pick, both will trust or desire to develop trust

Want the Rest of the Marriage Habits?

Find our list here: 40 Simple Daily Habits for a Marriage That Lasts

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Check with Wise Counsel
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